
The Future Mrs. Davis

Wedding Countdown Ticker

Monday, October 7, 2013


     So, I finally did it. I made my bridesmaid / maid of honor boxes. I procrastinated so long, but Finally got all my supplies and butt in gear. 
     I'm so excited about these! I think they turned out super cute, especially for me not being super creative. I can follow a recipe just fine, and ad-lib very well, but from scratch with nothing as a guide?? ...super difficult.

     I used cigar boxes. I painted the outsides a shade of green that we are considering for the wedding. The one on the right, Bree, is an emerald green, the left, Nikolette, is a forest green, which is the one I think we are going to go with. Sorry girls, you're boxes are a little different. ;-)
     Painting the boxes was a pain. I didn't do my homework beforehand, so I just went ahead and painted. The paint didn't dry right, then the acrylic coating got sticky, the boxes stuck to each other, and peeled off paint from the other. One box sat on a piece of scrapbook paper and I couldn't get that off. So, I sanded and repainted. So much better!

     For the name plate, I used a silver foil scrapbook paper. Cut it to an appropriate size, and used stickers for the names and designs. Then I modge-podge'd it to the top of the box.

     When you open the boxes, they are super cute! I lined the inside of the top of the box with their favorite color, did a border with the silver piping (totes forgot what they are really called). I used stamps for the letter of the "will you be" question, and stickers for the the rest. I also TRIED to make a veil to cover up the inside as well, for more decoration. The bottom, inside of the box is lined with a silver glitter paper, cut to size, which can't be seen. 
     I also painted the border of the boxes because of course I got green paint on the inside, and couldn't have that show! So the black made it easy to cover up my impatientness.
     Included in each box is a book, a mini of liquor, personalized tweezers, and a kazoo! 

     Finally, I closed the boxes, tied ribbon around them, and shipped them off! Of course Nikolette got hers on time, but Bree was out of town, and still hasn't picked it up from her apartment office. Figures. 
     Well, I am super pleased with the results, I just hope they like them too!